do maneuvers without the driver passing out which means more speed and more maneuverability provided however they provide good A.I. software and fast processing hardware to the unmanned vehicle. Mimicking the judgments of a human pilot or good communications with the remote controller pilot the plane can be controlled at a safe distance minus the time lag when controlling the plane remotely. With UAVs on board an aircraft carrier they can continuously decimate enemy forces without having to expose the pilot to danger therefore the pilot lives for another day with new tactics learned to avoid another loss of property, the UAV.
How to beat aircraft carriers? Solar/Nuclear powered self charging subs that could convert seawater as hydrogen fuel could replace aircraft carriers. These subs will serve as refueling stations for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that can float on water. Creating seaplanes has been done before it wouldn’t be far out in the future if combat drones are equipped with sea landing features. Economically speaking less metal plus being a sub it can be easier to hide than an aircraft carrier.
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